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Samantha Patschke

Oct 8, 2024 – Day 133- Start Over

Every time I finish a cycle and start a new one, I start my day count over again. Day one…day two…day three…I am sure you have noticed this by now. If you have been following me for a while now, you know that I have started the count over again various times. The moment I decide to start again is usually prefaced by a long conversation with God, a few tears and a humble heart.

As my Bible class studies the book of Judges, I came to realize that the same cycle of sin present in Biblical times lives inside me today.

First, we get ourselves into a situation we cannot handle. Second, we call out to God to save us. Third, God sends a hero into our lives to help. Fourth, we become complacent and comfortable. We start over by getting ourselves into a tough spot again.

Over and over judges came to save Israel from itself. Repeatedly, God has sent angels into my life to save me from myself.

Day 133! It means a lot more when you understand why I number them. There will be a day when my count will start over and Day 1 will appear. I will not be afraid or ashamed. Day 1 is the day God will be there for me once again.

That is why I follow Him.

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