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Samantha Patschke

Oct 13, 2024 – Day 138-*No one is Watching*

Today I would like to talk about vulnerability.

When God created you and I, He did not want us to have to carry the burden of distinguishing between good and evil. He knew it would be too much for us. We live that out in everyday life. What is good for you is not good for me. What is good for your mother is not good for your neighbor. In trying to distinguish between what is right and what is not, judgement was born.

Judgement has ruled the world since that day. Our all-knowing God knew the consequence of that choice. The serpent who stole our peace that day tempted Eve with pride, doubt and ambition. Genesis 3:5 “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” These three sentiments torment us to this day. I need more. Don’t I? I don’t need you. Do I?

Vulnerability is our secret weapon against this ancient opposition. When we disrobe our souls, exposing what is underneath, we disarm doubt. We strip pride of its authority. We throw ambition at the wind. We relinquish control to God.

Today I pray that I am prayerful, honest and vulnerable in every interaction I have in an effort to spread God’s love and lead by example.

Who cares anyway, no one is watching.

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