God instructs Joshua to continue dividing the land among the tribes, even before all of it is fully conquered (Joshua 13). God’s promises are guaranteed, even if they are still in progress.
Joshua 14 through Joshua 19 are chapters that describe how the Promise Land is carefully divided among the tribes. The Levites receive no land. It is not land and possessions that are our greatest reward, but instead our relationship with God.
God authorizes the establishment of six Cities of Refuge, where those who accidentally killed someone could flee for protection and fair trial (Joshua 20). These cities show the mercy that God weaves into every area of life.
Joshua 21 ends with a powerful declaration: Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; everyone was fulfilled. (Joshua 21:45). God kept His word, and He will fulfill His promises to you as well.
Psalm 68 reminds us that God fights for us. He provides for us. He carries our burdens. He is in control.