The Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, lays a powerful foundation for our spiritual journey. Today, we begin Deuteronomy, the final book of this sacred collection. Though there is still much ahead, completing these books is a significant milestone—one step closer to a deeper spiritual connection!
After the Israelites left Egypt in the book of Exodus, they traveled to the foot of Mt. Saini for training in Leviticus. Setting off on their mission towards the promised land in the book of Numbers, they arrive on the East side of the Jordan river. Deuteronomy is the pause for reflection a motivation the Israelites needed before entering the Promised Land.
In chapter 1, Moses recalls how Israel was given the command to take the Promised Land, but fear and doubt caused them to rebel. Just like the Israelites hesitated at the edge of their blessing, there may be moments in your life where fear, doubt, or uncertainty make you question God’s direction. Pushing forward in faith in these moments can open enormous doors and bring unimaginable blessings.
In chapter 2, God tells Israel to move forward and not fight battles He hasn’t called them to. He provides for their needs and clears the way for victories when the time is right. We are all on a complicated journey with a lot of moving pieces that at times can be extremely dynamic. We can find ourselves fighting in conflicts that we are not meant to fight. Focus on having a soft heart and an open mind to allow ourselves the space to step back from a battle.
In chapter 3, Moses prepares Joshua to lead the people of Israel into the Promised Land. Even though Moses will not be allowed to enter, he still pushes forward to prepare for the next generation. Even though you might not see the fruit in your lifetime, plating seeds and nurturing others can bring peace and satisfaction to our own walk.
Psalm 54 is a short but powerful prayer of trust in God. It was written by David when the Ziphites betrayed him to King Saul, putting his life in danger. God is in control.