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Day 5 - Genesis 16-19 - Bible Study

Foto del escritor: Samantha PatschkeSamantha Patschke

I skipped a Psalm today; I am not sure if David and I would be friends. Sometimes I need a break. We will do it tomorrow.

Sarai and Abram wanted a baby. In the desperation of the waiting period, they decided to have a child through their Egyptian slave, Hagar. Two very important points. One, this was common practice at the time. Second, this was Sarai’s idea. A baby boy was born, Ishmael (Genesis 16) If you have some extra time, study a bit about who Ishmael is for the people in the Muslim faith. Very interesting.

With their names changed (Genesis 17) the adventure continues. Three visitors came to Abraham’s tent, and were reassured that their, Sarah and Abraham’s, heir was on the way (Genesis 18). Sarah chuckled with disbelief. She was ninety years old at the time.  

On the way out the door, the men, shared their perspective and plans for Sodom and Gomorrah. Do you remember who lived close by? Abraham begins a negotiation with God.  If there are fifty good people, will you still destroy the cites? Abraham asks. God responds, if I can find fifty righteous people, I will spare them all. Abraham continues, what about forty-five? Forty? Thirty? Twenty? Ten?

Left in suspense, we quickly see God answer Abraham’s plea by saving his nephew Lot. Lot and his family were allowed to escape, and they found refuge in Zoar (Genesis 19). This lesson always strikes me. Many times, I forget that our relationship with God is one of open communication. We can bargain, cry, and be angry and confused in our relationship with Him.

This chapter ends with Lot and his daughters puzzling choices (Genesis 19). To me this is a warning about our consumption. It says to me, make sure the decisions you make while under the influence don’t influence your walk. I am sure we can all relate.


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