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Samantha Patschke
17 sept 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 258 - A terrifying question.
“Do I believe in God?” Where is the disconnect. In prayer I feel Him talk to me, in life I see His work, but it is not enough. I want...
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Samantha Patschke
17 sept 20213 Min. de lectura
Day 249 - Better or worse?
After an hour-long level 4 English class discussing the status of society, we came to the conclusion that we are all different. Those...
7 visualizaciones
Samantha Patschke
1 sept 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 243 – Powerful Roots
Soon after being chosen (Acts 6:5), Stephen, a man filled with God’s grace and power (Acts 6:8), preformed great wonders and signs....
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