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Samantha Patschke
25 nov 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 329- Stay Grateful
This week we read Romans chapters 3 to 5 in our Bible study Wednesday night. We find a simple but powerful equation to live by: First...
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Samantha Patschke
17 nov 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 321 - Rest in the Shade
Which way should I go? What should I do? We ask ourselves often. We hear the voices or our ego, of our past, of our traumas, of society,...
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Samantha Patschke
14 nov 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 318 - Diagnosis: Simpleminded
The world has chosen to define simplemindedness. Here are a few examples: • Simpleminded in Merriam-Webster: Unsophisticated/ foolish •...
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