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En esta sección encontrarás mensajes inspiradores basados en la Palabra de Dios. Cada devocional te invita a reflexionar, renovar tu fe y fortalecer tu espíritu. Tómate un momento para conectar con Dios y encontrar paz en tu jornada diaria.
Samantha Patschke
1 ene 20211 Min. de lectura
Day 1 January 1st, 2021 - Happy New Year
Day 1 I had the pleasure of meeting Tina and Martin in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Originally from Kosice, Slovakia, they were far from...
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Samantha Patschke
1 nov 20202 Min. de lectura
Take it, it's yours.
I would like to talk about how worship should be an act of reverence. This should be a moment to use to focus all our energy on telling...
10 visualizaciones
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